Sunday, September 21, 2014

I'm Baaaaaack!! With a Little Johnny Appleseed Freebie :)

Well Holy Guacamole it has been a long time!! I've been pretty busy for the past few years between getting married, Mr. Hubs and I buying AND renovating our first house. We had NO idea just how much would go into fixing up our home-- the shows on the DIY channel and HGTV make it look like a piece of cake! While the projects may not have been difficult, they sure were time consuming! 

Anyway, I am GLAD to be back :)

The past two weeks we have been learning all about apples. Our apple life cycle, the star inside the apple, and tasting many apple treats. Many of my little 18 kinder kiddos had never had apple chips and apple cider before, so they were pleasantly surprised by the yummy taste! We used this little apple tasting data sheet throughout the week while we tasted our delicious treats and finished the week with homemade applesauce-- my fave :)

This week we will begin our focus on Johnny Appleseed, just in time for his birthday celebration on September 26th. Here is a little fun Johnny Appleseed freebie if you are still planning your lessons for the week :)

Click here to download this little freebie.

I hope ya'll have a great week and enjoy this beautiful fall weather!!

1 comment:

  1. افضل شركة تنظيف ستوفر لك يد العون كلما احتجت الى تنظيف منزلك نعلم انا جميع الاشخاص مشغولون في الغالب بالعمل الاطفال لراعيتهم فلماذا لاتاخذ قسطا من الراحه وتترك تلك الاعمال لنا ؟سواء كان لديك منزل كبير شقه صغيره اوحتى مكتب عمل ستوفر لك شركة خده التنظيف المناسبه شامله التطهير ونفض الغبار وكل مايتعلق بالنظافه المنزليه على اتم الاستعداد لتولي نظافة منزلك لمرة واحده اواعلى اوقات منظمه تحددها انت سعيدين بمساعدتك في جميع الاوقات ونتظرين اتصالك الان
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