Saturday, August 25, 2012

Teacher Week- A Little Bit (Ok a LOT Bit!) Late!!

Ok so I don't know about ya'll, but this week just completely got away from me. I literally feel like it should still be Monday- but don't get me wrong, I am NOT complaining about it being the weekend! Between all of our long back to school meetings, Meet the Teacher Night, having my class list changed every single day (how are you supposed to write their names on their supplies?!? My Mr. Clean Magic Eraser came in handy this week a LOT!) and starting school on Wednesday. This week was wonderful but CRAZYYYY! 

Let me start by saying that I have just died and gone to kindergarten heaven this year with my class. Last year I had a wonderful but very challenging class and this year I have a wonderful not-so-challenging class!! My assistant and I decided God must be rewarding us this year for all of the extra extra hard work we had to put in last year and let me tell you, I am perfectly fine with that!!!!

The only complaint I have is that I was too busy this week to participate in Teacher Week through Blog Hoppin'. As I was complaining to my boyfriend about how wonderful Teacher Week is and how I wish I had been able to join in on all the fun he said "Lauren, really?? Who is going to stop you from joining in a little late? If you want to do it that badly- just do it!!!" So here I am! I could write one super long post about everything from the whole week but that would probably take up my whole morning so I will just do the last two days- Therapeutic Thursday and Freebie Friday. 

Therapeutic Thursday!

Between grad school, teaching, and now tutoring after school I am one very busy girl. But as the saying goes, work hard play hard, right?? I definitely make sure that I take some "me" time- even if it is as simple as taking my dog for a walk at a pretty park. This is Freedom Park in Charlotte, which is just a 5 minute drive from my apartment. It is one of my favorite places in Charlotte because it is so pretty! I love taking Tucker for a walk here on weeknights after a stressful day. 

Believe it or not, Freedom Park is walking distance to downtown Charlotte via the Sugar Creek Greenway. We also love to walk on the Sugar Creek Greenway which starts at the park and takes us here in about a 15 minute walk:

For those of you who already know me, I am slightly obsessed with yoga. It is another one of my favorite things to do after a stressful day at school because I have to keep my focus away from school or else I will fall on my butt in front of the whole class while trying to do one of those crazy poses!! I feel so much better after yoga.

I also love getting manicures and pedicures with my friends at our favorite salon on Wednesdays (when they give out free sangria while you get your nails done!), massages at least 2-3 times a year, cooking- especially making my own sushi, and blogging!! 

Freebie Friday!
Because this week is back to school week for many of you and you may want an extra little paper to hand out to your parents to help improve parent communication- I am making my Back to School ABC Pamphlet FREE until midnight tonight!! I am also putting my Year Full of Glyphs packet on sale 20% off! Head over to my TPT store to check them out!

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